
Showing posts from January, 2013

Picture Meme!

Picture of picture at the Bronx Museum! Drummers on the commute! Graffiti artists model at the Bronx Museum! Global Kitchen Exhibit @ Museum of Natural History Square Watermelons at the Global Kitchen Exhibit Picture of an Eagle ? type @ the Museum of Natural History LOVE Sculpture in Philadelphia Holocaust Sculpture

The Song on my Lips and in my Heart!


JOY is.....

Image the story of redemption .........the smile of a newborn babe ........the heart at peace with the world and with God .......a feeling of completeness in the midst of loss found in the hands of those who spread blessings to others ....found when you count your blessings and are content with what you have ... in filling the bellies of the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the sick & prisoners .. found at the beginning of the dawn of a new day waiting to be picked up and worn all day . shared in the smiles you proffer to the broken hearted when your heart is breaking .