
Showing posts from 2014

On Ebola in Lagos!

On Ebola in Lagos! #StopEbolaNaija #FightEbola To be honest, my first palpitations occurred when I heard about the cases of Ebola in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. I looked at the west African map and shuddered, wondering if the countries were far enough from Nigeria to keep it out. I had palpitations when 2 friends Gunnhildur Arnadottir and Emily Veltus sent out emails and posted fb updates to say they were headed to Sierra Leone to work at the MSF treatment center to actively treat and manage outreaches in a community hit by the virus. You can tell that I am very proud of them and a little in awe of their willingness to head out to fight this evil virus. I had palpitations last night when I saw the headlines saying a suspected case had been quarantined at a hospital in Lagos and I had further palpitations this evening when I read that the patient had died. Yesterday I called my brother in a panic and immediately reeled out the precautionary measures that need to be take

Testing, testing, testing

Testing the feel of my fingers on the keyboard, Converting my taps into the written word. Testing the sight of black on white, the look of the font on the blank page. Testing the fullness of the word, against the emptiness of my heart. Testing the meaning of the words, against the meaningless void of life.