Chronic Typhoid and Malaria!
Typhoid and Malaria are two disease entities that most Nigerians or should i say Lagosians are proud to claim as their own. Anytime anyone walks into my office and has a fever I can be sure that when I ask the question 'what is wrong with you?' The answer I will receive is usually 'I have typhoid and Malaria'! To make matters worse, they usually come armed with Laboratory results from some Lab trying to make a quick buck to substantiate their bogus claims. Of course they are sure to have a Widal's test done to complete the picture and confirm their disease! I have unsuccessfully tried to explain so many times that a Widal's test is not proof that you have typhoid fever. Its foolhardy trying to explain as you will probably come down with the label of a doctor that doesn't know his onions, since almost every private clinic orders a Widal's test to prove that their patients have typhoid fever. Its a waste of time trying to explain to them that with our wate...