
Showing posts from February, 2008

Doctor in the Niger Delta!

Hey guys, sorry I have been out of action (not missing) for a few days. From the title you can see that I have relocated officially to the Niger Delta region of our dear country. Hmm I have many tales for you, I dont know when I'll be able to share them as Im also out of constant touch with the internet. Its a whole new ball game for me, for the first time in my life Im practically on my own. Thank God for GSM I don't know what I would have done without it. Of course my major challenge is the language barrier. I fear my yoruba skills will soon be a thing of the past as the major lingua franca is broken english, did I hear you say 'Wetin I talk' I laugh to imagine how I have souned over the last few days cos the broken spoken here has a very distinct flavour as compared with down south but I will survive. Like all new doctors anywhere, they are put on the testing floor. All manner of tricks or tests are played to make you look the fool. Thank God I dont detest hard work ...