A Love Story:)

I know many of you will read this one:) Everyone even hardened pips like love stories. Well this is the first one I have encountered or actually paid attention to in the course of my work. I will change details in the story and of course their names to protect their privacy, sit back and enjoy the tale.

David was a young healthy man whose body may have been something to behold before the mobster attack while he was on his way to work. But in the emergency room 3months ago he was desperately fighting to survive, he sustained several stab wounds to his abdomen, fractures to both upper limbs and his face has been severely disfigured by the machetes used to cut him up. At the end of his surgery he was a shadow of himself. He had a colostomy which was put in to divert faeces because of the injury to his gut. In simple terms he passes stool from his abdominal wall and not his rectum. His wounds have healed but he is badly scarred. It took him several weeks to recover and I must confess I was very sceptical of his survival because he had all the complications the books talk about- Pneumonia, Urinary tract infections, wound infections, the whole lot.

His first day on the ward he called me to his bedside to ask if his 'sister' could come and look after him, I gave all sorts of reasons why we do not allow relatives on the ward but eventually his and his 'sisters' persistence wore us down and since his colostomy seemed to be hyperactive defying the numerous colostomy bags that were provided daily and soiling his bed linen every 30minutes we conceded.

His sister took care of him in every sense of the word. She changed his linen cleaning him up as many times as he was soiled and never uttered a despondent word when she was around him. Away from him she continually badgered me with questions about his diet, wound healing etc. In all she was an asset and became a permanent fixture by his side.

David and his sister spent over 1month on the ward and were discharged with great delight. By the time he was discharged I was fatter than him, he was gaunt and did not look at all like the big man who had been rushed in a month before. He was back last week for the closure of his colostomy leaning on his 'sisters' hand for support. I teasingly asked him when he was going to marry his wife and let his 'sister' go, all I got for an answer was giggles from the pair.

I learnt just the day after that his 'sister' was his fiance. When I saw her I asked her if David was her fiance, her reply was just a shy smile and a slight nod of her head, when I asked him, he said that when he had the accident she was just a friend but that now he would never ever let her go............... Talk about love! yea I know this isnt your typical love story but for me the lessons were profound. I had thought that they were siblings justifying her attention and care but to think that romance was found along the route............. well ill tell you how their wedding goes! ( I hope Im invited:)


  1. as the wise men say, "true love knows no limits, requires no justification, and is never-ending"... or something like that :-).


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