Where have I been?

Its been a while since I wrote anything down, I havent written anything since I left PH. So what have I been doing?

I now live in the Federal Capital Territory but since I moved here I have not spent up to a week in town. I have spent my time travelling around naija. Nigeria is a beautiful country but its also a country in a sorry state!

Dont mind me but its difficult to be happy about your country when so much of it is in total upheaval. Im talking mostly about the health sector. I visited a few of our general hospitals and I can tell you that they looked no better than refuse dumps..................let me not get started on them thats a topic for another day.

Im enjoying my new job, trying to build up a network for now, I have so much to write but very little zeal to pour out the words, I do hope you'll forgive my lethargic state. Ciao!


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Yes, where have thou been? Quite a while, globtrotter.

  2. I have been around:)like them people like to say, how is life?


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