Do Re Mi!!!!

I spent the last two weeks at home in Lagos thanks to my accumulated leave days and the absence of any major disease outbreaks or disasters! And I spent some days looking after my niece whose crèche had closed for the Xmas holidays. Only one day spent with her convinced me that looking after children is no small matter and of course I can better appreciate my mum who had the good fortune of looking after two of us at the same time.

Its not like I had never spent time with my niece, its only that in the past I could put her down in front of a TV screen and rush to the bathroom because she could not crawl or walk. Now she has mini dynamos in both legs, before you can shout her name she has raced past you to play with the pots in the kitchen or she is in the bathroom trying to get into the bath or she refuses to let you sit down as she wants to continue dancing or playing games where she is a rider and you are a horse!

My people it was no easy matter at the end of the first day my arms ached as if I had been struggling with a tornado and I can tell you I had. She had to be coaxed to eat and always wanted to go out. She also discovered that climbing the stairs on her own is more interesting than being carried down it! So you can imagine what fun I had!

At the end of the third day I had a break for the holidays and I had forgotten that I had a few more days to go with my babysitting assignment. I went to her parents home to say hello and her mother mentioned lase was coming for another three days, niece or not my expression was not one of pure joy- my sister had a good laugh and teased me saying it was easier to ask after lase on the phone than actually look after her.

Anyway at the end of my babysitting exercise I'm proud to announce to you that I have a 6 day diploma in babysitting, the diploma only allows me to babysit my niece so those of you who think I'm available to babysit you must be joking! Like a friend of mine told me she has great respect for women who have Do Re Mi and I can't but agree with her!

*Do Re Mi stands for siblings who are barely a year older than each other in the matter of age!


  1. Aunty Tomi!!!! Did I laff? yep....well I think God builds mothers thats y they are all loving and helpless and small when they are born. As they grow, mums grow!
    Not to worry we'll be sending her to Abuja for a month :)

    dont publish this o!

  2. Lovely piece....

    We should print you a certificate! lol!

    Do,re,mi - No family planning
    Do Mi So - Family planning?
    Do So Do - Enuff family planning?

  3. Sorry toyin published the first one, didnt reqd it b4 i accepted it, dont mind having her in abuja, just make sure to send a nanny with her, i cant work and babysit:)


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