To Sir with love, So long a letter, letters from the heart!

Having stuff to write about on a blog has depended a great deal on what I am going through at any one point in my life. I have found that I write more when I have a lot of work to do and the converse is true.

I found this idea on several blogs- to write letters to different people. I have modified it to suit me and I will probably change it a bit more. One thing I love to do is write letters and for those who have been on the recieving end of my letters they know I tend to get a bit long winded especially when I am trying to describe things or convey the excitement I feel if there is something particularly awesome going on in my life.

With the advent of twitter, facebook and blackberry pinging, writing letters seems to be a dying art and though I try to keep in touch with friends and family via emails, the one liners I get in reply (which I am sure are in keeping with the bb pinging mode) almost plunge my heart into depression, though I try to comfort myself my saying its better than not getting a reply at all.

So to keep me happy and to try to get my creative writing juices flowing I will be writing letters to the people listed below. I will not have any deadlines and I will not be writing the letters in any order. I will write as the piper (some unfathomable creature) plays the tune. Better still if you would like me to send you a real letter J Just send me your email address and I will oblige you by writing at least one page! LOL!

Enjoy the season of letters!

Letters will be to the following in no particular order:

1. Oldest friend (in terms of length of friendship).

2. My niece.

3. Lagos.

4. My favorite author.

5. Me in 10 years!

6. My children -not yet born

7. Someone I admire a great deal

8. An old teacher.

9. A deceased person I would love one more day with.

10. Someone from my past.

11. A random classmate.

12. A friend I would like to have.

13. A world leader I admire.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Loooking forward to reading your letters :)

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    - Desola



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