
Showing posts from August, 2013

Thank you for......

1. Thank you for safe trips and for reconnecting with old friends. 2. Thank you for the world I currently live in for with all its grim and dark ways there is always a golden ray to disperse the darkness. 3. Thank you for good food, health and life. 4. Thank you for a special cousin who is a year older today. 5. Thank you for good news from home. 6. Thank you for grace and forgiveness. 7. Thank you for the internet! :) 8. Thank you for Pearl S. Buck! :) 9. Thank you for a new water bottle. 10. Thank you for words of affirmation and encouragement.


1. I am thankful that though the hard drive of my computer crashed I was able to retrieve all my information. Lesson learned- back up, back up, back up (enuff said :) 2. Thankful for my little brother who is a year older today. I have seen him grow in leaps and bounds and I can't help but be proud of who he is and what he has done. I am thankful that I get to chat with him everyday and we talk and exchange mail frequently! It warms my heart when a chat pops up with the line 'hey big sis wassup' :) 3. I am thankful for my niece who is such a delightful person to be around. I am thankful her arm healed without any complications after she broke it a couple of months ago. 4. I am thankful for options, alternative arrangements and the power of protest :) Let's just say sometimes it is better to shout out than suffer in silence. 5. I am thankful for healing- physical, emotional, total. 6. I am thankful for a bed to rest my head at night, food to eat and water to dri...

