
Showing posts from June, 2007

A new Job

hi everyone i have an offer of a job so hopefully very soon if i accept the offer ill be bringing you more jist about medical practice but this time in Lagos! Stay tuned.

The Innocence of Children

My big cousin came round last weekend to show us his 'bolanle' car as he called it not 'tokunboh' o!, He acquired it after using a jalopy 'sokinso' blue ?sedan. He got it shortly after his wedding and his first child turned ten on childrens day so you can imagine how old the car is and when he bought it, it was a tokunboh! Anyway this his old car obviously had loads of problems, even when it was moving along a newly tarred road it belched petrol fumes as if it was moving uphill. His poor children were obviously embarrased by the contraption their father insisted on calling a car and with not a few protestations urged him to buy another car. When each day passed without the presence of a new car in their house, they came to the conclusion that their father could not part with the tin car and loved to put his family through untold hardship and suffering. Their protests though loud enough did not hit home until one day my cousin went to the bank to withdraw the sum...

The Innocence of Children


Sorry guys really would have loved to post very often but time and of course NEPA have stood against that dream, NEPA actually cut short my last attempts to posting an article, ill try to continue from here though of course the flow is broken..... Well let me tell you about my lack of lagos biz sense......... I had taken my mums laptop to be repaired and foolish me i left it there first mistake, i was told the screen was bad and would need to be changed and it would cost 35,000naira. I tried calling my people to inform them about this unfortunate developement and i could not get through so i decided to leave it there witht them to save myself the trouble of making another trip seeing it is some distance from my place. I left with express instructions not to do anything to it until i had gotten back to them. Two days later we decided at home that we should get a second opinion especially since we ould use the computer occasionally with the screen working after not using it a while. I ca...


To my regular readers i am sorry for my long leave of abscence , i have been adjusting or should i say trying to adjust to my sudden change of environment. Whoever said becoming a lagos babe was easy? Anyway i have been out of the clinical arena and been chilling at home and occasionally plodding the streets of lagos looking for a job! Trust me you don't want to hear about it, but i can tell you after being regularly out of Lagos for ten years it has not been easy getting used to the idea that i may be here for sometime. Lagos is a land of noise, smells, dirt and of course oppurtunity! Each time i leave the house i come back witha splitting headache, thanks to my foot dragging i have not properly mastered the art of Lagos driving, so no one has given me official permission to slaughter hapless pedestrians who happen to come in front of me while i cruise round town. So i get to go around town on my famous mode of tansport (danfo and my ever faithfull leggidez benz). Of course you d...