To my regular readers i am sorry for my long leave of abscence , i have been adjusting or should i say trying to adjust to my sudden change of environment. Whoever said becoming a lagos babe was easy? Anyway i have been out of the clinical arena and been chilling at home and occasionally plodding the streets of lagos looking for a job! Trust me you don't want to hear about it, but i can tell you after being regularly out of Lagos for ten years it has not been easy getting used to the idea that i may be here for sometime. Lagos is a land of noise, smells, dirt and of course oppurtunity! Each time i leave the house i come back witha splitting headache, thanks to my foot dragging i have not properly mastered the art of Lagos driving, so no one has given me official permission to slaughter hapless pedestrians who happen to come in front of me while i cruise round town. So i get to go around town on my famous mode of tansport (danfo and my ever faithfull leggidez benz). Of course you d...