The end of the title is his own hometown and that quote comes from the bible where jesus could not performany miracles in Nazareth because the people knew everything about him and they could not reconcile the runny nosed little boy who played with their kids to the preacher with healing powers. This well known quote has gone beyond just being a cliche to being very true, after all the first person who spoke the words is all truth. If i was the first doctor to come from my country, town, village, local government,street or even family i guess the statement may not apply to me, but when im one of the very manydoctors to come from where i do, why does anyone have to reckon with anything i say or do, especially if im one of the youngest. Afterall with the aged comes experience! These facts were brought home with slghtly more force recently when i had to take care of an aged relative. I was in between jobs and was therefore the only available candidate for the job. I proceeded to her...