
Showing posts from July, 2007

Tagging Lagos.

1.The City-Noisy 2.The streets- Filthy 3.The Buses- Rickety 4.The Drivers-Reckless 5.The Conductors-Lousy 6.The language-Dirty 7.The people -Frustrated 8.The environment-Polluted 9.The water-Tasty 10.The light-Non-existent 11.Refuse heaps-Everywhere Can't think of more things does anyone there have any good thing to tag lagos with?

A prophet is not recognised.........

The end of the title is his own hometown and that quote comes from the bible where jesus could not performany miracles in Nazareth because the people knew everything about him and they could not reconcile the runny nosed little boy who played with their kids to the preacher with healing powers. This well known quote has gone beyond just being a cliche to being very true, after all the first person who spoke the words is all truth. If i was the first doctor to come from my country, town, village, local government,street or even family i guess the statement may not apply to me, but when im one of the very manydoctors to come from where i do, why does anyone have to reckon with anything i say or do, especially if im one of the youngest. Afterall with the aged comes experience! These facts were brought home with slghtly more force recently when i had to take care of an aged relative. I was in between jobs and was therefore the only available candidate for the job. I proceeded to her...

The small Doctor!

I have always been small. In primary school from the first to the sixth grade i was one of the shortest in class and as a consequence had the privilege of sitting right in front of the blackboard! Of course i could not get away with any pranks i may have wanted to play. I am now the biggest i have been in my small life and my size is still not enough to ward off the shocked and sometimes admiring looks i get when people know im a doctor. During my youth service year i used to feel uneasy working round the hospital in my ward coat with my stethoscope round my neck because the comments of "Ah small likita" "is that small girl a doctor?" where sure to trail my steps as i walked from my room to the clinic. I don't think i ever got used to it and i made sure i either hurried through the corridors or walked leisurely pretending not to hear the oft repeated remarks and avoiding eye contact with the people making the remarks or else i would be pulled aside to answer que...

Volunteers needed!!!!!!!!

Are you young, strong, willing to do something for nothing except getting the satisfaction of doing something that would touch countless lives including yours as well? Then Blood for Life is the group to join. Its a group for those interested in becoming voluntary blood donors and also for those who will be interested in recruiting them. WHY are you needed? A lot of the blood donated in our hospitals today is blood from those whose relations are on admission or from remunerated donors. How safe then is our blood supply? Pretty scary if you ask me. I hope you see the need to become a blood donor, for those interested in doing something worthwhile, get in touch with BLOOD FOR LIFE, 1Chief Norman Williams Alley, General Hospital Lagos. You will be glad you did.

My new Job

Hi everyone i started work at my new job yesterday and it went well altogether told. Apart from a few rowdy area boys who threatened to beat all the staff up break the windows and set the place alight it was a rather quiet call. Welome to Lagos did i hear you say! It was what you would call a baptism of fire, but we did the right thing we ignored them totally and when they found out that their words did not have the desired effects they slunk out of the reception area dissapointed that they did not have a battle on their hands. Can you imagine me in a fight with area boys! The only person i can fight physically with is my mirror image, no not my twin, me when i look in the mirror:) What had caused the problem, a long story i dont feel like writing about just now. The short and long of the tale was that they later apologised to us blaming their grief (the patient died) as the cause of their uncouth behaviour. If my first day was like this i wonder what the rest of my days will be like. ...