My new Job

Hi everyone i started work at my new job yesterday and it went well altogether told. Apart from a few rowdy area boys who threatened to beat all the staff up break the windows and set the place alight it was a rather quiet call. Welome to Lagos did i hear you say! It was what you would call a baptism of fire, but we did the right thing we ignored them totally and when they found out that their words did not have the desired effects they slunk out of the reception area dissapointed that they did not have a battle on their hands.

Can you imagine me in a fight with area boys! The only person i can fight physically with is my mirror image, no not my twin, me when i look in the mirror:)

What had caused the problem, a long story i dont feel like writing about just now. The short and long of the tale was that they later apologised to us blaming their grief (the patient died) as the cause of their uncouth behaviour. If my first day was like this i wonder what the rest of my days will be like. I can only guess!


  1. Hmmm, your first brush with the dreaded Area boys sure ended well. I hope it stays that way :)

  2. Congrats on the new job and keep us posted. My year in Milwaukee ended today and I'm off to a new start in a few days. I'm most grateful to God as you can imagine.

    I also imagine how hard it must be to deal with the loss of your patients. It is hard enough for me but my patients are dogs and cats with the occasional ferret.

    I'm sure your draw strength to deal with the emotional attachments your job entails and like me, I'm certain you still go to bed everyday feeling very content that you've been able to make a difference in your own little way.

    Love you so much

  3. Tomi, easy oooh! Softly softly!


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