Mo tiju fun Naija?
Sometimes the above caption is true especially when I see Naija through the eyes of non-Nigerians. Remarks not meant to hurt but just stating the bare facts are like barbed arrows through my sensitive heart. When you come froma country where 'everything' works, well almost everything landing in naija not just gives you a huge jolt but an attendant destruction of those organs that should act as shock absorbers to delicate souls,(well im exaggerating!) How can a countries health care system be so disorganised they wonder, Services the govt. should be providing is non-existent. Why are their roads so bad? Do the citizens not pay their taxes to help with road repairs? Why are hteir streets so dirty? How come there are so many accidents with motorcycles? Why didnt this patient get a CT scan as soon as he came in? Why is there so much corruption? What answers do I give to such questions? Attempting to explain the ineptitude of our govt to deal with issues that pertain to life leaves ...