TEN THINGS I................

Would like to have, to do, to own:) Not necessarily in this order

1.Twentyfour hours access to the internet. Speed must be faster than that of light!
2. Friends to walk beside me each and every day and vice versa.
3. A library full of books I have never read and books I would love to read again and of course every edition of the National Geographic Magazine.
4. Valid airtickets to visit my family anytime I feel like!
5. A passport filled with visas to fulfill my longtime dream of travelling round the globe.
6. A Peugeot 307 brand new (dont ask me why)
7. Work in a rural district in Naija with the best medical equipment in the world, where the bills of patients have been paid for already.
8. Eat pounded yam with efo riro right now (Im hungry!)
9. Win the 10million naira prize on who wants to be a millionaire.
10. Learn to speak French, German and Hausa.


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