"We've all been given a microphone. The real question is: Will we use it?"

I just read the above quotation here and it got me thinking about all the opportunities I have had in life and what I did with them. I have definitely had loads of opportunities, what good have I done with them? What am I presently doing with all the 'talents' God has given me? Do I spend my time looking for ways to make sure that the talents bring in a good harvest or am I continually whining about all the opportunities I think should have come my way but have not?

Im living in a village which has virtually nothing that reminds one of the outside world. No roads, no schools, one clinic, no vehicles, no running water, no electricity, no indoor plumbing, no offices, no supermarkets, no markets, no electricity poles, no public transportation, no phones, no coke, no telephones, no televisions! I have been surrounded all my life by the things listed above and more but what have I done with all that?

Only the other day I told a mother who had come seeking medical care for her 3 month old daughter, that her daughter would be a doctor like me in a couple of years! There was no outburst of 'amin' as would have happened in any town in my country or a smile of gratitude (not that I think that being a doctor is the greatest thing to happen to anyone) or even a hopeful look. This mother mumbled out something in her local language and that was it. There was no acknowledgement that she had even heard what I said, though Im pretty sure she did.

Did she look at the obstacles that surrounded her life and that her daughter would probably face. An early marriage, working on the farm all day during the planting season, bending to prepare meals in front of a charcoal fire, no schools to attend, bearing anything between 10-14 children in her lifetime and having to share her husband with one or two other women. Not having a bath everyday because it takes hours to line up in front of the only borehole available to a whole community.

In the midst of all the challenges other people face, I look at what I have been given and not only give thanks but pause to put to good use what has been placed in my hands. I must realize that I cannot have everything I want but I have been given everything I need to make a difference in the lives of many. It might seem difficult, it will not be easy but its a huge debt I have to repay to the one who has entrusted so much into my hands.

The  microphone is in your hands, what will you do with it?


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