These days I have undergone lethargy of a very serious kind, when I say serious I mean serious. Usually I can extricate myself from the grip of lethargic moods by shaking myself thoroughly, divesting myself of all the clingy garments which seek to weigh me down by focusing my energies on another cause but lately I have found that like Samson I have been unable to get up and go out as before.

What causes the lethargy? What makes me so sluggish in my behaviour and attitude towards all things pertaining to a career in medicine? Am I disillusioned with medicine? Questions, questions, questions. I guess I’m going through a phase, which I hope has a short lifespan for it wearies me.

Does anybody ever go through the phase of dissatisfaction with present position and not come out in a way changed by the whole process? Either in a positive or negative way, change comes with a realization that things can not be as before, or a resigned acceptance of the inevitability of ones chosen path.

Which do I opt for? As a youth with the blood of an adventurer I seek a change from the present, I long for a path strewn with many delights, of new discoveries, of travels to lands distant, I seek for a new scene on which to gaze upon a kind departure from the daily humdrum of the consulting room.

I wish for a million things not all within my grasp, I fear that like the beggar I have no choice between eking out a dreary living and sitting at table with kings. Am I philosophizing? Tonight my weary mind does not conjure up tales to appease the appetite of one who loves a good story; I simply have nothing to write!


  1. Hmm... now you sound like me - plenty plenty questions, no immediately obvious answers :). We all have our days - relax, and the juices will resume their flow when the mind is ready.

    So who's the doctor now :)? I guess I'm the doctor of philosophy :D.

  2. Funny enough, I think I have been spending so much time in the "pool of lethargy" recently. So I am not the only one!
    TKL, whazzup?


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