What am I doing now?

I am lying down on my bed with my laptop balanced precariously on my laps, trying to stifle the hunger pangs that are refusing to be ignored. I came up with this theory that I do not need to eat supper since I had breakfast and lunch and my bowels need to rest. Its not easy to be a locomotive carrying loads of food from one end to the other daily. Sometimes you just need to rest. And I am giving my innards a holiday this evening. Thankfully there is no food nearby for me to break my resolve. The nearest food chain is McDonald's and the idea of eating any of their surefire 'cholesterol raising' diets makes my taste buds revolt!

Its been a while since I wrote a real post on my blog and that is not because I have not had topics to choose from. I have so many topics racing through my head but none has appealed to my inner muse and so the posts do not get written. No inspiration has descended from the hills, no sudden bursts of inspiration propel my fingers to my keyboard. Instead I look on silently and think of all I can write and don't.

Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life? I'm sure there are many that feel that way. Trying to swim upstream without any help, shouts of encouragement or life vests thrown into the water can make it seem as if the exercise is not worth the effort. These days I am thankful for the little bright lights that burst forth from the horizon from time to time and send a message that no matter what happens the shore is near and with faith and persistence the goal will be reached.

Ever started out with good intentions and stumbled halfway through your goal? No, I have not yet succumbed to the overpowering urge of hunger, no food tonight, maybe a glass of water will send the message to my growling stomach that it is full. Maybe, just maybe.

Nothing to write as you can see! Nothing, simply nothing!


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