What I have been up to!

I have been missing from blogosphere for a few months. Im back and a lot has happened since I left. I am too lazy to do a recap of all I have been doing so I'll just share over the next few days letters and pictures I wrote to a few friends while I was away. Enjoy!

Hello Everyone,
I have arrived safely in  and will be here for 3 months hopefully.
I apologise for not informing you before I changed addresses but the move was sudden and left me very little time to reach out to all I would have liked to inform.
I have been here for a week and so far, I am having a good time. I like the work and the people and I have the opportunity to learn 3 new languages:) I doubt I will succeed but I will try!
Its dry and dusty as it has not rained for so long and its an effort to keep the dust out of my mouth, eyes and ears. I have access to the internet which is a blessing, I did not expect to be able to send even surface mail here as the nearest post office is 2 hours away but thanks to a local GSM company I have a modem with which I can stay in the loop of what is happening in the rest of the world!
I manage a health center which has 2 clinical officers, 5 nurses, 1 community health officer and 1 cleaner. Its interesting work seeing patients and making the final clinical decisions!
Attached are a few pictures of life in the village through the lens of my camera!
 I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great week!
An ostrich I saw on the road.

Our donkey tanker!

 The view of the skies above

Our Kitchen

My reflection in a computer!

The tent I slept in until two nights ago before I moved into a bigger one:)


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