What I have been up to- 3!

Third letter in the series what I have been up to!
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your replies, I enjoyed reading them all!
I have had rather sketchy access to the internet and that is why I am writing so late after my last note.
The last couple of days have been eventful and I will probably be able to tell you about all that has happened once I leave and not before.
I had a two day break last weekend and went to  a town 5 hours away. We stayed at a beautiful hotel which was such a change. It even had a swimming pool, unfortunately I did not have any bathing suit with me! But after seeing some women bathe in full burqas, I rustled up some shorts and a T shirt and went swimming. I would have felt foolish if I had done that anywhere else but who knows meJ No one I hope! I certainly did not take any pictures. It was nice to take the break and actually sleep in a bed with an air conditioner and a proper toilet ensuite.
It seems like I have been here forever and while its not exactly home, its my home for now.
I saw a two rainbows last week, on the same day, one in the morning and the other in the evening. I could not help but think about Noah’s Ark when I saw themJ
I have found out that its the little things that keep me going or make me upset. I had told you about the little garden we have going. We have some nasty chickens from the neighbours that have gobbled up all of our tomato leaves and some of the watermelons. The parsley never did well, so far only one little plant has poked its head above the hard and hot sand and we rejoiced at seeing its perseverance. Its amazing how one little garden has the potential to lift our spirits so. I am hoping and praying that we at least reap the reward of the planting and the twice daily watering before we leave.
Our neighbours, the same ones with the chickens have two goats that bleat like they are being tortured every day. When I first came it used to get on my nerves and when I asked why they cried so much (every 5 minutes it seemed like) I was told that they were hungry. They asked us to please not throw away our leftovers so they could feed the goats. They do not cry(sorry bleat) as much as before and I have actually gotten used to their cries! Yesterday our cook asked us to please not burn up the cardboard boxes (cartons) we do not need anymore. She wanted them to feed her goats. There is no grass anywhere so the animals- donkeys, cows and goats feed on cartonsL Talk about a new method of recycling! Tragic but true.
One thing that strikes me the most is the footprints everywhere. I have owned the pair of trainers I currently wear for just over one year and I never knew what my footprints looked like. Coming from a country where every square inch is either paved or covered in grass to one where sand abounds is responsible I guess. Now I find myself just admiring my footprints on the sand. I can also identify the hoofprints of the terrible chickens that eat the plants in our garden, donkeys and goats that abound. I guess being in a different environment does that to you, you find even footprints fascinating!
I have not just been observing my footprints, I have been busy and extremely happy that I have something to do- I am using my head, my hands and learning a great deal of stuff. Many NGO’s are moving here and so we are also meeting people from all over the world- France, Ethiopia, Holland, Somali, Australia, The U.S. Almost every continent is represented hereJ
I went with a patient to a town two hours away and we had a flat tire on the way back! In the middle of lion countryJ Its a good thing I had been told that the Lions have moved away because of the drought if not I would have been so scared. I also heard that the lions only came out at nightJ
Other pictures are of my footprints Some birds called 'Abdullahi' -they look like storks with their long legs and they are so ugly but they fly with the grace of eagles. Pictures of our Flat tyre and inner tube ripped and of course my footprints
I just wanted to send you a note and I want to thank everyone for reading the mail I send. Have a great week! God bless you
My sleeping space.

My view from my bed.

The evening sky!

Local bread for breakfast

Ripped tube


My footprints


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Olaoluwatomi! I can see you are really enjoying your work and stay there.I wish i could be in a position to make such an impact or a difference in the lives of simple everyday people. I would trade that for all the comforts of this place in a flash! Being in a place like that has a way of helping you distill the most important things in this life and appreciating whatever extras that might come our way. As for your garden,as yucky as it may sound, adding the droppings of the animals around there will increase the chances of the plants there to do well. The ground there might actually be poor in nutrients and animal droppings might help.
    I dont know what your plans are for christmas but here is wishing you the best christmas you have ever had and a memorable new year. let me know when you leave for lagos.
    PS: do you have access to a phone or something? If not, talk to you when you get home then.


  2. Hey Gboyega, been home and left already! How are you doing? Will send you my new number!

  3. Sounds like you're having the time of your life.
    Enjoy, and God speed back to civilization


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