
That is the first word on my 100 word list! And it's self-explanatory!

So here is my thanksgiving list for the year 2013

1. Thankful for disappointments, plans that fell through, tears shed, periods of mourning, despair, frustration and whatever it was that I perceived as negative. In some strange way, I came through stronger, better able to appreciate that life is full of ups and downs, and that things that look like mountains actually are not bigger than mole mounds when you come nearer or when you put on the proper viewing glasses. So I am thankful for the many things I did not regard as blessings and for those that look nothing like blessings now :) I am still learning.

2. I am thankful for an awesome family! The older you become the more appreciative you are of the community into which you were born. I am thankful to them for the wonderful words of encouragement, the support on every side, for always being available on the other end of the line/ screen to  listen to my many rants, their prayers, words of inspiration and most of all for being there!

3.I am so thankful for friends. You all know who you are. Thank you for your emails that came at the right time, for those who just sent me mail to say hello, texts, phone calls. I am thankful for the group of friends I consider a second family- friends who opened up their homes to me, who blessed me in many ways, who I am proud to call my friends. God will reward you and in due season I will 'retaliate'.

4. I am thankful for God's presence, His instruction, teaching, encouragement and love. There is absolutely nothing I could have done without Him this year and I am really grateful for His presence.

4. I am thankful for the snakes and scorpions that crossed my path this year. I still get the shudders from my brief but thankfully harmless encounters with them. I am thankful that I did not grab my coat which had two scorpions resting on it and wear it. I am thankful that the snakes that I saw did not bite me, and I am sure the one that escaped was thankful I did not kill it :) (As if I could kill it). I am thankful that those who I worked with too were not bitten by snakes.

5. I am thankful for all the people I got to meet this year. Great co-workers who made the work more fun than work, some of whom have become friends. I am so happy I got to meet you all.

6. I am thankful for travel mercies this year. God alone knows how many miles I have traveled this year. I am thankful I got to my destinations safely without incident.

7. I am thankful I get to go home in a few days. Home is definitely were my heart is at the moment.

8. I am thankful this year has come to an end, I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in the year to come.


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