Facebook profiles and blogs are awash with the topic above and I'm interested in actually putting down what I think are things many people don't know about me, I may not reach the number 25 but here goes...

1. I do not like eggs, milk or quaker oats. I remember pouring my portion of oats into my sister's bowl when we were younger and receiving my mother's praise until she realised my sister's bowl was a double portion of what she had dished earlier:)

2. I do not like to dress up, yes i know many people know this already, If i could I would go in a top and skirt or jeans everywhere yes including weddings, no makeup, high heels I'm just learning to wear them...

3. I'd rather spend my time reading a good book than plunked down in front of a TV screen.

4. I'd rather stay indoors than go out for an occasion.

5. I'm one shy person in new company,I'd rather sit with my head buried in a book than start conversation, I only open up when I see familiar faces!

6. I like to work, I feel out of sorts when I don't have anything to do.

7. I love to sleep.

8. I'd rather spend my money buying National Geographic Magazines than a new outfit! Yes I have a whole pile of NGM's at home.

9. I hardly buy fashion stuff for myself, I can go through a supermarket filled with all sorts of stuff and I'll only come out with a book or books!

10.If I was in a position to sack thieves and lazy people from work places I would without batting an eyelid!

11. I have bitten my nails ever since I can remember and I stopped for a three month stretch when I was a house officer in surgery.Had an epidemic of typhoid perforations and the waste matter in the peritoneal cavities was a powerful deterrent to my habit!

12. I dream almost every night. My dreams range from the funny to the scary and impossible and I almost always remember all my dreams, I even dream continuations of dreams I have dreamt previously.

13.I have not owned a wristwatch since I bought my first mobile phone, to count a patient's pulse my phone comes out:)

14. I really have no best food, I can't stand eba though I love drinking gari!

15. I can't stand snakes a fear worsened when a snake actually paid us a visit at home, with my brave sister shouting as much as me when only the day before she had boasted of her snake killing abilities:)

16.I hated to cook until very recently. My sister and I used to offer up burnt offerings on a daily basis, the Levites would have been jealous of us:)

17. All the pictures I have taken save very few always show my two front teeth they are always white! Don't start digging out your pics of me, yes my mouth is always slightly open revealing my two upper incisors and NO flies don't perch in my mouth.

18. I love Coke and wont't take any other soft drink if it's available. I don't have shares in the manufacturing plant o but I really should:)

19. I have never smoked or used hard drugs but I once used to take sips of STAR:) No details curious cats will have to die!

20. I have birthmarks everywhere on me- my lower lip, right eye, all my limbs..........

21. I sing neither alto soprano tenor or bass, I really don't know which part I'm singing, when I sang in choirs I sang the part of those I stood next to I usually got into trouble if I was sandwiched between two different parts.

22. I wear size six and a half gloves, I can squeeze into size 6 too. (Gloves for theater, Im not in any cold clime!)

23. I love suturing wounds, I dislike having to see patients who moan about all sorts of aches and pains or have fevers and other medical complaints I'd rather be sewing up someone stabbed in a fight!

24. I don't believe in love at first sight, whatever love if any exists flies away at the utterance of a few words in terrible English or the scent of unwashed armpits or lack of social skills and absence of good manners.

25. I dislike it when people use spoons to eat, chew with their mouths wide open, talk with food in their mouth, scrape the cutlery against their teeth, slurp their tea, drink their hot tea using their teaspoon or try and use a fork and knife when they are not used to it!

.......Actually got to number 25. I congratulate myself!


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    1, you mean you have been watching your weight that far back?
    2, when i see you i would confirm in person.
    20, you would agree with me that seeing is proof.
    24, spot-on

    ....hmmm, my sister from another mother.....3,4,5,7,

  2. my brother from another mother, no be weight watching o! na acute dislike of some foods!


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