I am presently in a hotel room on a sunday wondering how to pass the time, my job involves a lot of travelling and of course one tends to stay in hotel rooms along the way. I had a hard time last year falling asleep whenever I slept in any bed but my own and thankfully I overcame this or else I would be an incurable insomniac!

I like my job sometimes same as everybody else but I can't help but miss the hospital. I certainly don't miss the ever constant smell of blood when accident victims or victims of assault where brought in, but I miss the constant interchange between a doctor and his patient, the detective work done while trying to eliminate diseases from the differential diagnosis list and finally coming up with a diagnosis.

I guess I also miss the security of being called doctor and not having to explain to people why a doctor is travelling all over naija. Of course I miss having a stage to draw my inspiration for blog posts from. I can tell you that not much inspiration comes from travelling hours in the front seat of a 4 by 4 vehicle looking at a landscape dotted with the ubiquitous 'dogonyaro' and boabab trees. Maybe if I was Shakespeare I would be able to come up with a play or a sonnet or something equally romantic!

Writing these lines below after spending yet another sunday in my room but this time I had company. If you look hard you will find things to rejoice and appreciate in circumstances you do not necessarily like. One advantage of my job is that I go to places not on the usual trade route of many and I can look up old friends or acquaintances who are in these places, so this last sunday I had the company of a friend I had not seen in years, so lets just say I'm learning to find out the good sides of this job of mine.


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Wow,its actually great traveling all around not just aimlessly but with a purpose.Meeting those you have not seen in a while makes it worthwhile.
    having a feeling that someone is there in any location u are, who cares and could be looked up to makes it more interesting.
    one thing in this global village is to learn to be kind and friendly as the reward will always come.what goes around always comes around.

  2. Anonymous2:39 AM

    please can we swap places?I love travelling.

  3. Thanks guys, Amos no problem, just get ready to sleep in a new bed almost every nite and get used to the "wonderful' meals half of which give u some constant bowel motion if u know what i mean:)

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I will not have any problem with changing beds and since I have been fore warned,I'd get enough "agbo jedi-jedi" for those meals.LoL.You enjoy your job and I think that's so important.


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