Death II.

I have had a hard time writing this second part to this post and thats because I do not have a lot of experience on the subject matter if I did I wont be writing this. It takes a lot to be able to laugh looking death in the face, only weird people can do that and they are considered weird by the likes of us who have not yet come face to face with our own mortality. This is something you do when you become much older. You don't hear of teenagers planning things like what they would like to be remembered for after they die for this is the age where dreams about that unending future are made, why should I think of death when I have the whole world yet to conquer before me? As we age death becomes more of a reality and thats why older people don't spend a lot of time on dreams about where they want to be fifty years down the line as they realise they may not even have another ten years left.

So what exactly am I going to write about today! Its something I have thought of before but never put down in words on paper. Its about epithets. What exactly do I want to be eulogised or despised for after I'm dead and gone? This isn't a post bidding the world farewell, let no one think I have had any premonitions of death for I have had none, if I pass away after writing this its just coincidence for I certainly don't want to die not just yet, I have many dreams I hope and pray come to pass before I sleep and never wake.

Ok so back to the subject matter what epithets do I want?
What words would I want engraved on my tombstone, will they ring hollow with those gathered smiling beneath veiled faces knowing that someone was just trying to be kind or would they be words that would provoke the true mourners not hired (I would not want anyone who does not know me to mourn me for a fee; it aint possible anyway) to burst afresh into loud mourning at their loss. But the truth be told I would not want anyone to shed tears at my funeral, I would want people to gather as one in a beautiful place to come bid me farewell not good bye because they are sure they will see me someday at Jesus feet.

I have wept profusely at a few deaths and I do not like the feeling of permanence that death gives, I know that the person who has gone on does not weep like us at their departure so why do we hurt ourselves so? Are our tears really of grief at their departure or is about our loss, about our regrets why o why did we not settle those quarrels? Was it really so necessary to hang on to our own opinions? Could we not have let go just that once, now they are gone and no amends can be made! If I had known I would have spent more time with them, I would have been more loving, I would........

Regrets can take up a lot of time and energy but this I suggest, why not spend more time with the living than the dead. Look at those around you, whose life can you make a difference in? Whose life can be touched anew with the grace of forgiveness? What bridges can be made, what fences mended? Death puts a halt to all that can bring you joy, so look beyond the petty and throw away the impulse to be modest, make a name for yourself so that when death comes calling many would say indeed He/She made a difference in my life! It's a beautiful legacy to leave behind!


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Death is real something!!!
    scary but then,seems over the years,my profession they say has harden my heart not to make me cry.
    Just before i read column at about 3 am wondering why i was up that late/early
    reason being that i just saw an elderly pass on to the other side,someone i had tried to help earlier with setting an intravenous access for transfusion which eventually failed due to the easily thrombosed veins. i happened to let her rest after all the pain but reminding her i would be back after she had rested a while not knowing that that was my last words to her.
    i then wondered-what a world
    Thank God for the Hausas who don't cry with the news of death but bless almighty. That saved me the morning .i just imagined if it were their counterparts down south,there would have been an album released that night . Wish people would emulate the spirit of those in the north by not crying.
    Bless God


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