Accepting with grace, help!

Just a few thoughts on an incident today, got an offer of help from someone I had just met and I turned it down. I felt bad after doing so and I guess the other party felt bad also! Not sure though!

But as it turned out it would have been much better if I had accepted to be helped though that was not the reason for my regret, it just compounded it, but methinks now looking back in time, that a gracious acceptance rather than stubborn refusal would have been a much better path to tread!

What do you think?


  1. i need to learn how to accept help with grace too.

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    well... depends on what your initial reasons for refusing the help offered were...if they were - and still are - valid; then some regret is in order.... if not.. then.. it's pointless i would say....

  3. Danny stole my words (somewhat). There may have been something that triggered your initial refusal. If it was a bit of pride, or not wanting to burden someone else, that's one thing and it's ok (especially since you've now recognized it) but if you had initial reservations for some other reason, then this exercise showed that maybe you could be a bit more trusting, but being a little cautious isn't a bad thing.

    In this world it can be hard to accept assistance graciously because we have been brought up to question people's motives. Great lesson for us all!

  4. hmm, all I know is that I am learning to accept help from others,

    Hope all is well.


  5. Thanks everyone for the comments, I guess my reason for refusing was that I did not want to be a burden, I have stopped beating myself over the head over it, but in future I hope to accept with grace help:)
    @Solomonsydelle, It is well, got loads of exams this week, thanks for asking!

  6. ...I'm the same way. I'm quick to say No! and my reason is i don't wanna be a bother but sometimes i wonder if it has a little to do with pride.
    At least you know and you're trying to do better. That's good.

    Thanks for stopping by mine :)

  7. Wow, was just talking to my friend about this the other day and she wondered if there was a subtle pride in my refusal to accept help. I had always assumed it was because I did not want to burden people.

  8. @repressed one thanks
    @Thirty+ Hmm pride does have its place sometimes~


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