Conquering the World!

Im sure everyone especially when we were children (for those of us who have left childhood behind:)) dreamt of conquering the world. Our childhood dreams where shaped by books we read, tv shows we watched, news headlines that screamed of the accomplishments of men and women we admired! The Guinness book of records was one volume that fascinated me no end, ok I could not get into the book by being the shortest woman alive, but I sure could try and do some of the dare daring acts like climbing Everest and jumping through rings of fire e.t.c

The quest to do something meaningful is one dream that will never die, for we are made that way to look for meaning in the things around us and try and live lives that will make a mark on the world around us. I no longer want to get into the Guinness book of world records but it sure would be nice to do something that actually counts (yeah the newsheadliners type of count! For good of course)

But I'm often reminded that it is the little things that count, smiling at the people we pass by on our way around town, helping the old lady cross the road, taking out the garbage, cleaning up after us and not allowing others do it for us, keeping in touch with our loved ones, writing a long overdue letter, making that phone can fill in the blanks!

We may never have our names carved in marble on monuments built to celebrate accomplishments but we can surely carve our memories on the hearts of those we come across!

Which would you rather conquer, hearts or the world?


  1. I'd rather conquer the hearts of those I care for and those I meet. But yeah it would be nice to make a mark on the world too. We strong people hope we can do it all. I love your blogs, why did you stop the pictorial? thanks for coming over to mine.

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    true words.. almost got enticed into Medicine by watching too much of Another Life!

    That last paragraph is a credo to live by. My take: Conquer the hearts first.. and if possible the world....

  3. Thanks Myne, I have not stopped the pictorial just not found the right pics to put up! Will soon post more hopefully!

  4. I would love to leave a lastin impression on both..Very thoughtful piece i should say and thanks for showin your love on my blog as well...hope to see around more..

  5. @Bagucci (what does Bagucci mean?) Another life that was one old serial I never could understand what was going on?
    @Trybes thanks for stopping by!

  6. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Dear, your're precious. Glad I found you....Kat
    PS: I'm GOING to do something great, and it is going to be small!


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