
Showing posts from December, 2009

This time many years ago...

In a few minutes this time many years ago I was born as one of a set of twins, as the tale goes. I was born the second twin and my twin who turned out much smaller than me had to be put in the incubator as I had spent the last nine months sitting on her:) Anyway this many years down the line, my parents can look back and thank God that the two little babies who became rascals have somewhere along the way become ladies and young women:) Thanking God for my twin who is my first and bestest (sic) friend, my parents who took care of me through the years and look out for me always, my brother who had to put up with two big bullying sisters all his life and friends who have over the years never forgotten me or my birthdate:) Nice to have a unique birthdate dont you think!:) I also want to thank God for keeping me through the years and allowing me to look back with thanks and look forward with hope. Wishing everyone a great 2010! God bless all and everyone!

The Daydreamer!

I am sure that I have mentioned before that I dream a lot. I dream in parts, so I start a dream today and can end up dreaming the continuation the next time I fall asleep. Its strange methinks my dreaming in parts since I have no stake in the home video industry. It would have been the plum on the pudding to be able to produce my own dreams:) and watch them come alive on stage or the big screen. Anyway another aspect to my dreaming is that I daydream a lot. I wish there was a significant object to this talent of mine, for if I could churn my daydreams through the money making machine I would have by now been a billionaire in the most stable and valuable world currency 'gold bars'. Tomi a little Midas:) that would be great dont you think?. What do I daydream about? Anything and many things is my answer. I visit different lands and experience different cultures, I sit down for Job interviews in fantastic companies, Im the president of my country, Im a CEO of a company that is act...

Another Year!

In a few days I'll be wishing this year goodbye. Not only is it the end of the year for everyone it is the end of another year of my life and the beginning of a new one. When I was much younger I thought the end of the year was a really cool time, for it was the one time of the year when everyone in my family got together to celebrate several events, christmas, wedding anniversaries and birthdays and the celebrations seemed to be unending until the beginning of a new year and the start of another school year brought to an end the state of euphoria we were all in. This time last year I was a scout looking for and following the trends of an epidemic on the front seat of a 4X4, this year I am a student again, back to the classroom I left 'many' years ago:) urging my brain cells to be as active as they were five years ago. Three years ago I was an intern assisting in gynecologic surgeries and performing my first ceasarian sections. When I was five years old I was in my hometown...

My library!

I have one passion, I love to read books! Thinking of a present to buy me? a nice book would do. Please do not send me a text book for to my horror Im spending all my reading time reading them. I have never ever not been able to read the books I love. Even when I am in the middle of exams I still find time to read a book or two. These days I find out that besides recommended text books and loads of papers I can't get myself to stick with one book and finish it. My average reading time of a good book is usually 1 to 3 days. These days however I find myself reading pages from one book and then another. I have actually started to read about 3 books at the same time and am nowhere near finishing any of them. Thankfully the holidays are around the corner and my normal reading mode will be switched back on. The picture above shows a semi-current picture of the current books in my life at this moment, most of them acquired over the last four months. Three of them are borrowed and the r...

And they lived happily ever after....

I love stories! Especially good ones, if you want to keep my attention for any length of time tell me a good story and I can assure you, my time will be yours. I have been wondering where my love for stories comes from and its not hard to look very far to what might have whetted my appetite for good stories. I still remember stories told by my mum, dad and grandfather. My mum's tales took the form of folktales and the tortoise of course was almost always my favorite character. Even when he was being mean, his exploits caused us as children immense pleasure just listening to how cleverly he spun his arguments to win over the other animals, who always only seemed to realise they had been cheated after the tortoise had his way. My dad on the other hand retold tales from books like 'Jack and the Beanstalk' I still remember him reading this story to us after tucking us in bed, he deepened his voice to imitate the giant's 'Fee fo fum, I smell the blood of an English man.....

First Proper Snowfall!

Could not resist taking these pictures after stomping through the snow:) Was barely one inch high! Just added pictures of the morning after! Have a great weekend!

I'll dance like an Elephant!

I read a blog post*and that gave me the inspiration to write this:) I have always been a useless dancer:) and I mean it, all the talk of people flowing with the music and letting the music flow over them might as well be for a different clan, music and I dont click in the way of dance. A few weeks ago I was playing table tennis with a chinese friend and she was trying to teach me how to serve her way which I can tell you was really smooth, she asked me to bend my knees and try to synchronize my bending with the release of the ball like a 'dance' I guess. After several failed attempts she blurts out 'excuse me but I thought blacks were supposed to be able to dance', I smiled at her and remarked that this particular black babe has no musical genes in her bones! I have always loved to dance but my grotesque attempts to imitate Michael Jackson or my Niger Delta/Yoruba sisters wriggling movements which involve the use of all parts of their bodies has earned me the most humil...