The Daydreamer!

I am sure that I have mentioned before that I dream a lot. I dream in parts, so I start a dream today and can end up dreaming the continuation the next time I fall asleep. Its strange methinks my dreaming in parts since I have no stake in the home video industry. It would have been the plum on the pudding to be able to produce my own dreams:) and watch them come alive on stage or the big screen.

Anyway another aspect to my dreaming is that I daydream a lot. I wish there was a significant object to this talent of mine, for if I could churn my daydreams through the money making machine I would have by now been a billionaire in the most stable and valuable world currency 'gold bars'. Tomi a little Midas:) that would be great dont you think?.

What do I daydream about? Anything and many things is my answer. I visit different lands and experience different cultures, I sit down for Job interviews in fantastic companies, Im the president of my country, Im a CEO of a company that is actually making a difference in the world, I am surrounded by friends and family in warmer climes:)) Thats a dream telling me that Im not meant to be a cold blooded mammal:). I hope you get the general drift of my day dreams. I day dream about birth and death, I have actually day dreamed about my own funeral! Dont worry I doubt Im not about to kick the bucket anytime soon. Just goes to show that I have an over active imagination.

Has my day dreaming gotten me into trouble? You bet it has. I generally do not daydream in class unless the class is very boring, so far I can say from Kindergarten till the present times, I have daydreamed only in a few classes:). The only time I remember getting into trouble was in a gynaecology clinic session.

I was standing with my classmates supposedly listening to the Consultant give us a summary of a patient he had just seen. I really cannot give you the summary for on this very day, my daydreaming carpet a la Aladdin had whisked me from Profs Gynae clinic into exotic lands filled with exotic spices, I must have stopped before a fruit stall to savor some of the fruit of the land, when the carpet flipped me over and I landed hard on the ground.

Unfortunately the ground was no longer in my dreams but I was back at the clinic session. The Prof was asking a question and I happened to be the object of his attention. 'Yes can you answer the question' he asked. I was aghast not only had I not been listening to his talk, I had somehow managed to miss the question he had just asked. Apparently a few seconds before my descent to earth he had asked if we understood all he had been saying to which everyone including Tomi the 'daydreamer' nodded vigourously. Seeing that he was stuck with 'agama' lizards that afternoon he decided to test the limit of our knowledge and thus he asked the question.

I opened my mouth wide and swallowed a few times, I could not even ask my neighbours to repeat the question for at this time, all eyes were on me. 'Emm' I muttered, 'emm'...... by this time I was wondering why I had consented to going on a carpet trip and not stuck around a while. To cut a long story short it was obvious to all and sundry that Tomi was not going to be able to save her throat from the waiting blade poised to sacrifice her on the altar of embarassment.

After what seemed like eternity the lecturer gave me a look of contempt and said that I behaved like the species of lizards mentioned above who thought the best and safest thing was to nod along with everyone else instead of confessing that I had no idea about what he was talking about. To be honest I do not think I was the only ignorant 'agama' lizard present that day, I just happened to be the unlucky fellow caught napping in the afternoon.

That did not and has not stopped my day dreams, but it sure makes me more cautious of wandering to another land in the middle of a class!

Sweet Dreams!:)


  1. Haha! you just took me way back in time, like you I daydream a lot (less nowadays) but I enjoy it. Lol at you not thinking u were the only ignorant 'agama' lizard present that so e dey be o! unfortunately na u them pick that day hehe
    Thanks for stopping by my blog much earlier.

  2. Beautiful one! I'm a huge daydreamer too... everyday, everyplace... Believe me, its a wonderful world to visit... the best part is coming back to reality with the determination to reach the places/heights i visited in my head!

  3. No troubles tatababe the pleasure was mine! Na me them pick o!:))
    @Obalogbon The worst part for me is coming back and realizing that I was dreaming afterall, yours sounds better, will try it:)


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