My name:)

I love my name. Anyone who knows me well knows that! I have always been called 'Tomi right from the time I was born I guess but it must have been in Secondary school that I suddenly realised that my full name Olaoluwatomi was much more meaningful and unique and though I still kept being called 'Tomi I started signing all my notes, letters and writing my name in full on my note and textbooks. One of my classmates in secondary school gave her son that name tracing her love for the name to a note I had written her where I had signed my name!

I have been subjected to somewhat mild torture:) over the last few months with regards to my name. The first session came not long after I started grad school and went for a session with the career counsellor. He took one glance at my name on my resume and asked me how I pronounced it. I gladly pronounced it and launched into a lecture on what my name meant when he shook his head and made the first amendment to my resume. 'Stick with Tomi he said, your name is a mouthful and many recruiters would dismiss your resume right away if they cant pronounce your name'. In mild shock, I shook my head and rationalised that anyway very few people say my name in full, why should I lose the opportunity to be called for an interview because my name is long.

Other shock sessions came soon after, this time the name Tomi did not seem to be immune. I have been called Tchomi,Tooomi,Tuumi and other variants and even have had a few of my fellow Nigerian students make fun of me by pronouning my name with a higher than necessary pitch. When I have the time I pronounce my name and spell out the words for those who are interested in learning how to pronounce my name properly. I do not perfectly pronounce names I am unfamiliar with but I do not dismiss people's names as being unpronounceable(is there a word like this?:).

Practice, Patience and above all interest helps you hit the mark. Like an aunt once said, don't worry become someone very great and your suddenly unpronounceable name becomes the name rolling off everyone's tongues. So to those who are interested I have decided not to wait for the time when my name will be on the lips of every TV station presenter (for good of course) find below a video of a friend who spent some time learning how to say my name properly:) Enjoy!


  1. Best to stick with the shorter version for now i guess...and i agree with your aunt.
    That video is tres funny...she tried tho'.

  2. Funny- when i told them my full name in school they told me the exact same thing! (I didn't mind though). though at times I wish they could try harder, I also understand the wisdom in making things as easy as possible for a possible recruiter. You don't necessarily want to be the candidate with the unpronounceable name.


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