The things I take for granted...(TTITFG)

The things I take for granted (TTITFG)

Over the last month, I have stressed myself out completely. Many times I have wondered how on earth I'm going to cope with all that is in front of me- Exams to write, a job to do, decisions to be made and the other things we human beings worry about. I found out that I spent more time stressing about missing a bus than appreciating all the very many wonderful things that I have been blessed with.

So the TTITFG is a list of those things I hardly pay any attention to and yet if they were missing I would not be able to function optimally. A lady today at the bus stop told me of how she was hit on the head with a weapon by another passenger and almost passed out. While another lady she knew was hit by this same man and had to have stitches put on her scalp. I realized that so many times I have ridden home without giving a second thought to my safety. Its one of the things I have so often taken for granted.

So this post is supposed to help me look beyond the dark clouds and see the rainbow! Life is good, its just that so many times we spend so much time looking at all our disappointments and failures. So join me today, get out of your rut and be grateful for those very many wonderful things you often take for granted.


I wake up without a thought, stretch my sleepy limbs, groan at the thought of stepping out of my cozy bed, jump into the bathroom, jump out again, dress and walk out of the front door!
TTITFG- The gift of life, a bed to sleep in, the ability to move, the ability to do things for myself like dress and shower, someplace to head to everyday!

I wait at the bus stop for a bus, groan and shiver if its cold and the bus is a minute late, step out of the cold into the warmth of the bus, ignore my fellow passengers, listen to my Ipod, get to my destination and walk to work.
TTITFG- A bus to go to work in, the ability to feel the changing temperatures, great people to talk to, ears to listen and the strength to walk two blocks to my office.

I get to work, greet the Security officer, take the lift or the stairs to the third floor, greet my supervisor and anyone else who is in the office, turn on my desktop, shrug out of my coat, change into my work shoes from my trainers, sit at my desk and begin another work day!
TTITFG- Getting to work safely, electricity that powers the lift, muscles that power my legs, a great boss and lovely co-workers, a warm coat, having more than a pair of shoes, a computer to work with, a chair to sit on, another day that I am not jobless.

At work I make myself at least two cups of tea, eat my lunch, attend meetings, spend my time trawling through databases, write technical papers, help set up meetings, attend conferences, talk to colleagues, attend a mid week service, close down my desk top, head for home at the end of a long day.
TTITFG- An office with work to do, the power of a packed lunch, the eye opening effects of tea! An education that is not wasted, being literate, being healthy enough to sit out a whole day at work, a home to go to!

After a one hour commute, I step off the bus, walk a short distance home, open the door, greet my lovely friends, eat a warm meal, check my mail, do some reading, lay my head down and go to bed.
TTITFG- A safe trip home, reliable transportation, a body that does not give up on me, food that is better than delicious, an Internet connection, eyes that can see, the absence of fear, the ability to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow!


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    good idea to celebrate these little things.....

  2. It certainly is! Thanks for stopping by el dhjax!

  3. we definitely have A LOT to thank God for!!!!!!! A LOT! Let me add one, I went GO-carting yday with friends and I thank God for a minor accident that could easily have become a major one! I refuse to take it for granted!!!!!!! Keep thanking!

  4. Go carting, girl you are having the time of your life:)) Have fun and thank God I will continue to hear good news from your end!


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