
Showing posts from August, 2012

Going Home!

“Where we love is home, Home that the feet may leave, but not our hearts.” ― Oliver Wendell Holmes I have had to think about that word 'home' over the last couple of days and I have been wondering where exactly its supposed to be! I am more or less a nomad and ever since I went away to University, the word 'Home' has meant different things to me at different times in my life. As a young child in elementary school, going home meant leaving behind the drudgery of school work for a place where the TV beckoned and lunch was occasionally the dreaded beans combined with wonderful dodo! Home was the end of a delightful day when the parents would tuck us into bed with the telling of delightful tales about Tortoise or Jack and the bean stalk.  Home was the village during the holidays where the grandparents were always delighted to welcome their brood of grandchildren, where we had the run of the compound, where we visited the goats, chickens, fish, rabbits and gen...

Grouchy but Thankful

I am thankful for Disappointments which remind me that life is not always so smooth and things don't have to go the way I want them to go! Counsel that makes me realize that sometimes my glasses are cloudy and rose-tinted and looking through another pair of spectacles is sometimes what is needed to gain the right perspective. Love from friends and family showing me that I do not have to go through the maze of life alone. Feelings of dissatisfaction that spur me on to be more, seek more and do more. An experience of life on the other side of the fence showing me that the grass is different and not necessarily greener. Me as crazy as it sounds.  

Happiness is found in .....

1. A good meal. 2. Work I love. 3. The end of a long day. 4. Fantastic music 5. The beauty of God's creation 6. Cakes and Icecream! 7. The silence of a quiet place 8.God in Heaven. 9.Travels to different lands and climes. 10. A book or my kindle.

Ijo Ope mi re!

Continuing to look for things to be grateful for before I turn into a grouch! Life, life, life- I cant overemphasize my gratitude for this priceless gift. Being extremely conscious of the possibility of death gives you an acute appreciation for how much life should never be take for granted. The  end of a thing- The bible says the end is better than the beginning. I am counting in minutes:) to the end of my present project and the smile on my face is an expression of how grateful I am though my colleagues I am leaving behind are not amused at how happy I am:) What can I say? I am extremely grateful! Great Friends- Over the last few days, I have received emails from friends whose emails make me smile, its nice to know you are remembered especially on those days when you wonder if your friends still remember you! I am grateful for friends who remember! Meat and chicken- I am grateful for these two pieces on the menu that definitely liven up our diet! Sleep- I am extremel...

A couple of scaredy cats!

A couple of scaredy cats! This is an audio recording of a letter I wrote to friends and family a few weeks ago!

Death is Life!

One topic I write about a lot is death! A comment yesterday set me thinking! We heard of the sudden death of two persons and one member of our team said 'They probably did not realize in that split second that they were dead'! I am not sure why it shook me but it did. They had been sitting up and talking one second and the next second they were gone! Gone forever! Have you ever thought you were untouchable, unbeatable, 'undieable'- I know no such word exists but haven't you ever wanted to do something and shrugged off the attendant risk with the thought 'O it can't happen to me, I'll survive' or heard of  someone's death and think 'I wont be next'. Or made plans for some future event without giving a thought to the fact that death might come calling before you can take part in that event. In the last few days, the thought of death being a real reality has been uppermost in my mind. Watching people die has probably heightened that ...

Resurrecting Gratefulness!

Its been a while since I wrote up any lists or things for which I am grateful for! I intend to start and hopefully continue. Like anyone can attest taking time out to be grateful is something we take for granted especially me:) So here goes a list of things I have thought of for which I am grateful for. 1. Life- Only yesterday after hearing of the sudden death of two people and a comment on how they never even knew what was coming, I am so grateful for life. I have taken for granted going to bed and waking up hale and hearty for so long! But I am grateful I am alive TODAY! 2. Food- Working amongst a population with scarce food resources, I do not take for granted the two meals I eat every day. I am grateful I still have food to eat. 3. Second chances- I am grateful that God gives us more than one chance to get to know him. I am grateful he is not like me:) 4. A job to do- Being jobless is no joke and I am thankful that when my feet hit the floor in the morning I actually hav...

Ten things I wish I had right now

1. Indoor plumbing-* Water cistern- Squatting to use a pit latrine is no fun especially if one of your knees decides to go awol on you. Trips outside to use the bathroom are curtailed in the event that you might step on a snake or a scorpion or one might decide your exposed legs are a juicy item on the menu. 2. Ice Cream- No explanations needed. 3. Electricity- Another no brainer. 4. Great food- I am thankful for the food I have to eat and today I ate one meal I had refused to eat for a few days because its what we eat everyday. My abstinence for few days must have worked some wonders because I actually enjoyed it but I am looking forward to having  the choice from an array of different foods to eat from. I am constantly reminded that famine is not a party! 5. A firm mattress- Okay mine sags in the middle right now and though I wiggle all over trying to find a comfortable spot, I am back in the middle of the sag when morning breaks with the attendant back muscle spr...