Death is Life!

One topic I write about a lot is death! A comment yesterday set me thinking! We heard of the sudden death of two persons and one member of our team said 'They probably did not realize in that split second that they were dead'! I am not sure why it shook me but it did. They had been sitting up and talking one second and the next second they were gone! Gone forever!

Have you ever thought you were untouchable, unbeatable, 'undieable'- I know no such word exists but haven't you ever wanted to do something and shrugged off the attendant risk with the thought 'O it can't happen to me, I'll survive' or heard of  someone's death and think 'I wont be next'. Or made plans for some future event without giving a thought to the fact that death might come calling before you can take part in that event.

In the last few days, the thought of death being a real reality has been uppermost in my mind. Watching people die has probably heightened that realization. One minute they are here and the next minute they are absent. Something has happened, the heart stops beating, breath ceases, pupils  dilate in wonder at the appearance of the next form of life. Mortality has been exchanged for immortality. All functions cease.

No more blinking, no more chewing, no more tears, no more pain, nothing exists in this world again. No worries about what to wear, what to eat, what to drink, how not to cause offence, how to make another laugh or smile, no thought about that quick retort to show you are still ahead of the pack! Nothing exists any longer. No buying, no selling, no reading, no writing, nothing exists for the body anymore.

Death is very much a part of life and as one grows older the flighty consideration of the hereafter is alternated with a healthy dose of the most obvious possibility. Like one learns in elementary school, all living things die! When they die however is the question to be answered.

Romans 8:39 (New International Version)
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  1. Hi Tomi! Hope you are well! I stumbled upon your blog and absolutely love it!

    It's very inspiring :)

  2. Hi BolaB thanks for your lovely comment, I stopped by your blog too and will definitely use some of the recipes when I can get all the ingredients toogether. Have a great week!


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