Ten things I wish I had right now

1. Indoor plumbing-* Water cistern- Squatting to use a pit latrine is no fun especially if one of your knees decides to go awol on you. Trips outside to use the bathroom are curtailed in the event that you might step on a snake or a scorpion or one might decide your exposed legs are a juicy item on the menu.

2. Ice Cream- No explanations needed.

3. Electricity- Another no brainer.

4. Great food- I am thankful for the food I have to eat and today I ate one meal I had refused to eat for a few days because its what we eat everyday. My abstinence for few days must have worked some wonders because I actually enjoyed it but I am looking forward to having  the choice from an array of different foods to eat from. I am constantly reminded that famine is not a party!

5. A firm mattress- Okay mine sags in the middle right now and though I wiggle all over trying to find a comfortable spot, I am back in the middle of the sag when morning breaks with the attendant back muscle sprains.

6. A cell phone- Emails are cool but it would be nice to be able to actually pick up a phone to call anyone I feel like talking to.

7. A full nights sleep- Working all day and all night without a break takes a toll eventually. Initially its exciting and many times adrenaline tides you over the long stretches but a body needs a break dont you think. Not resting well makes you do silly things and makes you more liable to make mistakes.

8. A patent on Patience- If you agree with me let me here you say a big Yes!

9. A letter.

10. Chocolate- Like ice cream no explanations are needed!:)


  1. thank you for commenting on my post. and how did you find me? am curious...

  2. Hi Ayo, I read your comment on Eze's (Da King) blogpost and followed the link to your blog! Its a nice blog, loved reading the articles!


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