Resurrecting Gratefulness!

Its been a while since I wrote up any lists or things for which I am grateful for! I intend to start and hopefully continue. Like anyone can attest taking time out to be grateful is something we take for granted especially me:) So here goes a list of things I have thought of for which I am grateful for.

1. Life- Only yesterday after hearing of the sudden death of two people and a comment on how they never even knew what was coming, I am so grateful for life. I have taken for granted going to bed and waking up hale and hearty for so long! But I am grateful I am alive TODAY!

2. Food- Working amongst a population with scarce food resources, I do not take for granted the two meals I eat every day. I am grateful I still have food to eat.

3. Second chances- I am grateful that God gives us more than one chance to get to know him. I am grateful he is not like me:)

4. A job to do- Being jobless is no joke and I am thankful that when my feet hit the floor in the morning I actually have something to do.

5. Skype and sisters- I am grateful I have a sister who loves me and sends me a word of encouragement via skype daily. Her little pep talks and the words we share have been a lifebuoy in the midst of discouragement.

6. Challenges and obstacles to progress- The last couple of months have been times of stretching and yielding and breaking but I have only become much stronger and maybe more aware of the world in which I live. Its not all roses and cream, and that has helped me much more than a life of ease would have done.

7. Truth- I am grateful to those who have spoken the truth in love. A journey of discovery into realizing who one truly is and how one comes across to others is painful. I am glad for people who have had the courage to challenge me and show me where I have gone wrong and done so without tearing me down.

8. Reality- I am thankful that I can recognise the frailty of life and am not consumed by desires that blind me to the reality that death waits for everyone. Its humbling, its sobering, its sometimes sad that this life will one day end and goodbyes will occur but not forever! I am grateful for eternal life.

9. Uncertainties- For so long I have railed against the uncertainties of my life, the feeling of being blown like a leaf across the atlantic. Today I am thanking God for the 'uncertainty' of life as me. My 'plans' have crumbled, my well laid out ideas for the future have been trashed and all I have left is the assurance that my life has a plan, not one designed by me but by my heavenly father.

10. I am grateful that God loves me- Enough said!:)


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