Abortion!!!!!!!!!! DON'T DO IT

I walked into the emergency room with my consultant this afternoon, he had seen me earlier on and asked if i had a strong stomach (he is a visiting consultant), well it so happened that a young lady had arrived at our facility over night and he wanted me to see her, so he was preparing me for the sight i was to behold. What was wrong with her?

She had paid a visit to a local abortionist about a week before and successfully terminated her pregnancy, but had also unfortunately been infected. I'll explain... Infections can range from simple ones which can be cleared by a simple course of antibiotic therapy to the complex which unfortunately she got. What infection? Necrotizing Fascitis!

For the medically uninitiated its a gangrene- i hope ive managed to simplify things. Her left lower limb is horribly swollen, with blisters all over, she has crepitus that extends up to mid abdomen. She is extremely ill looking, pale, in short she looks like death. Her chance for survival is very slim she needs a miracle to survive.

Even in the best centers Necrotizing Fascitis is a death sentence moreso if its widespread. With the best treatment prognosis is poor. Why am i writing this? Her death is a needless one. It could have been avoided if she had not gone for the abortion. A so called easy way out of responsibility of motherhood. I wish that all women who contemplate having an abortion could see her and then change their minds!

But thats like saying ' i wish all men were honest'. Complications of abortions are myriad but no one who thinks its an easy solution to an unwanted pregnancy thinks of the complications that may arise. Since its criminal to perform one in this country no physician or quack one performing an abortion is likely to tell a would be aspirant the complications that may arise. The benefit of a few thousands erases the guilt and common sense of those who perform it.

It breaks my heart when i see someone die who could have avoided it- a needless death i call it. My cry to all those who are contemplating or will contemplate this procedure- DON'T DO IT you may end up taking two lives that of your child and yours, Good night!


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The moral question of abortion cannot be answered succintly by the example you have given....
    of someone who goes to a back-street quack because legislation (or lack of it) keeps her away from professional, safe practionners who will be able give a safer option.
    Fascitis could happen from myraid of circumstances, the most heart-rending one I have ever seen was a nine year old girl who had it from falling into a gutter at play...
    (Still dont know the outcome, my rotation changed)
    I see where your heart and morals are headed, but the basis of your arguement for it, was weak....

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Messrs Anon! If your sister were the one on that hospital bed i believe your comment would have been very different.
    Yes! I believe in the sanctity of human life whether such life is an adults or an embryo.
    The core of the article is not that abortion caused fascitis but whether the lady would still be alive if she chose to keep the child.

  3. thanks for the two comments anonymous and ty i will just say that if the mortality rate of any disease were one percent to the generality its okay but to that one percent affected its a hundred percent mortality!
    Thank you once again for your comments, Olaoluwatomi

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    To my fellow anonymous,
    Dont make assumptions, I am not a messers, Im a Ms....
    read my comment properly.....
    I did not say that the sanctity of life should not be believed in, what I said however, is that the MORAL question of abortion cannot be answered by an anecdote of an unsafe abortion performed by a quack.
    If we want to discuss the politics and religion of abortion, it should be outside the operating room, and we should be able to assume that competence and safety in there are non-negotiable.
    People are going to continue to perform abortions whether it is legalised or not, the choice on whether or not to go ahead should be left to the person and the judgement he/she thinks they will face....its a personal thing.
    People like you like to bring in unnecesary personal attacks at people...what does my sister have to do with it...surely you are intelligent enough to make your argumentative point without resorting to that statement.(or arent you?)
    If the girl died of fascitis secondary to an appendectomy, would you say "serves her right" just like i can imagine you saying to this poor woman now?
    The infection was as a result of HOW the operation was done, and not WHAT it was done for...I think the article highlights more on the sorry state of the health sector, and how people, who make (according to your holy highness, Anonymous) "good" or "bad" decisions are affected by the discrepancies in there.
    Put the choices in people's hands, and let them decide on their own eternity, let them decide on their moral positions, whether it interferes with human sanctity or not.
    There is already one God on the throne, please go about your business and stop trying to do His job.

  5. I thank you for being very passionate about the issue but i do not want my blog comment posts to be used as a battle ground, you both are getting personal which i do not appreciate, i believe that we all have our personal opinions and we are entitled to stand by it. i appeal to you both PLS no more comments concerning this issue. Thank you Olaoluwatomi

  6. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Its funny,
    you only considered the comments personal when i replied the comments in kind.
    When the first of such comments were made, I believe you thanked the contributor anonymous and "Ty"....with no references to her "personl remarks" then.....
    Anyway, dont worry, thats all im willing to say about the topic, so you got your wish.
    Keep writing....its very interesting keeping up with events in our health sector from a fellow practitioner....
    Well done!


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