Tomi's typical day!!!!!!

Hello everyone trying to write everyday read a book by Max Lucado which dealt with finding out your purpose in life, he took us through a series of steps which basically consists of doing what you like doing best with the least effort and guess what? i found i like reading and writing.

If i were to be paid for just settling down in a comfortable position to read and write i would do so without hesitation, the pay would of course cover all my living expenses and a bit more to include a holiday to any part of the world of my choice, talk about dreaming!

Well i started out to write a typical day in my life and here am i rambling away about my life fantasies, just in case i stop short in the middle of this im on call so if this is not complete know that i have been summoned to answer the call of duty.

My day starts with me opening my eyes in the morning looking at my mobile phone and wondering how come its morning already 6.30am haa i have just an hour to do a pre round before the main round at 7.30am how come i woke up this late, i remember i set the alarm on my phone for 5.30am but as usual when the alarm went i turned it off and turned round to catch a few minutes sleep which turned out to be an hour.

Did i mention earlier that in addition to reading and writing my next best hobby is sleeping. My dad used to say that i loved too sleep too much, im sure he worried about how i would cope in medical school since sleeping was something i was extremely good at!

Of course by the time i wake up that late my only thought is how to finish my round before the consultant comes, so i hop through the motions of brushing my teeth having a bath and somehow land on the ward to see my patients, silently praying that no new patient has been added to my wards overnight admitted from the emergency room.

O good its the usual crew of patients on skeletal traction for different fractures just counting down till the calenders turn to the 6th week. But mama badagry who has sustained a left posterior hip dislocation has to punctuate my routine questions of ba wo lara yin?, se ko si yonu ( how are you this morning? any problems?) with prayers ( e ma sorire, e o ni ba iku lona, e o ni sile wo) for my well being, protection, a good spouse......and everything good under the earth while i try to mumble amen, amen, amen and try to wriggle my way out of her prayers without my being rude so i can run along to the next patient who has no intention of ever blessing me that morning.

Well i have only a few minutes to spare and i dash to the private ward where my worst fears have been realised, i actually have a new patient, haaaaaaaaa i silently groan. i can't do anyhing about it so as quickly as possible i go through the charts, try and take a comprehensive history, examine and try to write down everything, rush throught the other patients and lo and behold its 7.30am.

How did i manage to finish? A close shave once again. I sit down and wait the arrival of my senior colleagues..................... they come in about 30mins after, im sorry to have kept you waiting lady and gentlemen but i must have been extremely tired yesterday i overslept, can you imagine i could have spent a few more minutes sleeping:) only joking but seriously i think my hobby (sleeping) is not just peculiar to me or don't you think.

For the next part of my day after the ward round im sorry you have to hold on another day or to to read about it. Good night and sleep tight!


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    hi Tomi,
    checked out ur blog page. must really confess dat its cool. take it easy at work and the sleep thing. not r not alone. any which way, enjoy.



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