Hey people!

Trying to make it a habit to record in my blog daily seeing i have been out of sync for a long while before i got back on track recently. What im trying to say is that i really do not have much to write today.

I hope i can give you something more appetising than my dry dialogue tomorrow or wait let me leave you something to think on or reply to whichever you wish.

A friend of mine sent me this tevt this evening, here it goes: As a doctor you can sacrifice money for expertise or expertise for money. I wish there was a centre where both could be balanced!

What do you think? I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Hmm... Here's my take on that text message: a near-term sacrifice of money for expertise should result in a long-term influx of dough, while a near-term sacrifice of expertise for money results in a rich "fake" now and an alternative career in the long-term. Does a near-term center exist? I don't think so. In the long-term though, only one of those options will get anyone anywhere near that center.

    All this is not unique to medicine by the way... it's the constant battle between "a time for everything" and "instant gratification."


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