Things you do when you are tired...

1. Fall asleep right in front of the lecturer and cannot do anything about it.

2. Tap your school ID on the Public transport sensor and wonder why you cant pass through the barriers.

3. Forget the names of people you see everyday!

4. Take part in a discussion and wonder why no one seems to be understanding what you are saying.

5. Dream about a soft bed and wake up startled to find that the soft bed is the shoulder of a stranger on the train.

6. Can't think of a good response to a straightforward question.

7. Sleep through an event you looked forward to!

8. Ask for directions on a street you pass through frequently.

9. Force your feet into your shoes and realize after several futile attempts that you are putting your feet into someone elses shoes!

10. Get irritated by the slightest delay, all you want to do is to get home to bed!

I have done a few of the above and I can tell you it was quite embarrasing, the secret is to go sleep! Seeing that most of the points above are related to sleep anyway. There is a limit to the stress our bodies can go through and pushing will only hurt you. There is a reason why God created the world in six days and rested on the sseventh! Selah.


  1. Rest is very important. We forgot that we are human and we overwork our body. Even machines get tired and we cannot cheat nature. I can relate with Nos 1, 3, 4, 7.

  2. Anonymous1:17 AM

    wow.. take it easy o.... if you can.. which is unlikely given the targets you would have.. but try.. :)

  3. Coming from me I know you know that you should just rest. Body no b wood!
    Thank God for sleep!

  4. Thanks everyone. I have not yet repented but I will, I need to finish my work:(


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