10 things I love!

Saw this on NBB's blog and decided to write my own list too!

1. I love a good book, one written as if a story is being told with just the right words. A book that has the ability to transport me to another world without effort and bring me crashing back to earth when the story ends. One good book I remember that fits this description is 'The Good Earth' by Pearl. S. Buck.

2. I love receiving letters. I like it when someone spends time to write me a long newsy letter. I probably would not love letters if I got them everyday but having one every once in a while can lift ones spirits.

3. I love ice-cream:) Who doesn't? I have a friend who loves it more than I do and I love looking at her eyes when she mentions Ice-cream, her face lights up in pure delight and it almost looks like she can taste it at that moment, I love teasing her about this. We spent many days in Mumbai visiting the loveliest ice cream shop I have ever come across, they make ice cream with fresh fruit,my favorite was the guava flavored sweet:)

4. I love good music. I cannot emphasize the good enough. Good means that I do not develop a headache listening to the songs, it also means that I can hear the words being sung distinctly. I love music that is so good that my legs move of their own accord to the dance floor:){I have not been so moved yet}.

5. I love work. Work for me is a delight and this past year as a student I have missed working. One works as a student but it is just not the same. For one I am not paid to be a student:), secondly I love the challenge of working, working in groups having the satisfaction at the end of the day that you have put in your best and can go home and rest!

6. I love blogsville. I love the fact that ever so often I can put into writing conversations I cannot have with anyone else because there is no one to talk to. I love the fact that I can visit other blogs and engage in virtual conversations with people I have never met. I love guessing who people really are, what makes them tick, I love hearing how people face challenges, I follow blogs of people diagnosed with cancers who write about their daily struggles,I read of people who have adopted children with special needs, women whose families are their world, men who take their families across the world to minister to others. Where else would I have met a wide variety of people who inspire me and encourage me to soar to the highest heights and beyond?

7. I love a good meal. I love food especially food cooked with a lot of love and care. I love food set in exquisite designs on plates that taste better than they look. I love food that has enough salt,pepper and the other ingredients that make the salivary glands work overtime. Right now I really want to eat SUYA but I bought POTATO CHIPS instead. It was the closest substitute to fulfill my craving for the spicy barbequed meat.

8. I love gifts:) I know you do too. But gifts that are sent without warning, without an explanation. Gifts given not to mark any occassion but sent JUST BECAUSE:)

9. I love a good laugh. Laughter does lift my spirits up!

10. I love life. Coming to the realization that I wont live forever is sobering and so I love this life that I have now and Ill look forward to the life ahead. Heard a few hours ago that Yar Adua is dead, it seems absurd now that he/ his wife wanted him to hold on to the reins of power indefinitely. The lesson for me is to LOVE life and not stress over things I do not have power to change.


  1. You've got a great list here too.
    Blogsville has been a found love. There are some blogs I just can't do without.

  2. aww I love your list! I can totally relate with pretty much everything on your list!

    I love ice cream too:D

  3. lol good list brof. Im on with you on cravings for SUYA, good music, good meal, good book, good laugh, but not work mehn. lol. Check out my list.

  4. @NBB thanks and me too!:)
    @Bomi- Great minds think alike:) Thanks for being my friend!
    @KENNISBLEGAD- Not work? :)) Ill check out your list!

  5. That is one pretty cool list...

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