The Cape, Hood and Gown!

I received my graduation robes yesterday. It was a relief to actually be handed a clean gown. Those who went to school with me in naija understand what I mean. As an undergraduate I did not get a gown for matriculation because I did not go early enough to pick a gown from the store. As a graduate I had to go through a stack of dirty, cockroach infested gowns to get a gown my size and of course laundered my gown before the big occasion. You can be sure that many got gowns not their sizes or with rents big enough to slide their diplomas through. It was not a pleasant experience and yes we did pay for the gowns, whether you got one or not! So I'll be proudly wearing my gown tomorrow devoid of any moth balls or smells! Yay!



  2. Congratulations girl!

  3. Congratulations, wishing you many more grand acievements

  4. Congrats dear and your day be great and all you hoped for. May there be even greater things to come.

  5. Thanks guys I had a great time wearing the gown! A big AMEN to all your prayers, I really appreciate it!


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