Happy Birthday to us!

It has been many wonderful years of life together and we (my twin and I) have so much to be thankful for:

*The gift of life.

*Extremely wonderful parents.

*A handsome and loving brother.

*Her- A loving husband and daughter.

*Me- A great brother in law and beautiful niece.

*Great cousins, uncles and aunties.

*So many more wonderful blessings that it will be impossible to list them all!

Wishing my twin and of course myself today a very happy Birthday!
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  1. A toast to the good times...happy new year in advance!

  2. Thanks Blogoratti! Happy new year too!

  3. Happy birthday to you both and a Happy New Year

  4. Happy Birthday to you and your twin!!! Wish you many many more!!!

  5. Thanks Neefemi & Blessing!

  6. awwwwwwwwww Tomi....Merci beacoup!!!
    God has been good and is good to us!!!
    I'm so grateful for you too! I'm grateful God made us twins and I'm super duper grateful that YOU are my twin!!!!!

  7. Awwwwww...happy birthday darling. Both of you have certainly been an inspiration to me this year.

  8. @Ty ME TOO:)
    @Jaycee- thanks a lot and have a very happy new year!

  9. Awww...happy birthday (belated!), twinnies! May the two of you always be as close as you are right now...closer even!

  10. @GNG A big Amen to your prayer, thanks:)


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