My Kindle!

Just wanted to show you pics of my new kindle. It has been on my wish list for over a year and finally someone who loves me decided to give me an early xmas/birthday present!

I have already downloaded more than 20books from amazon, thank God for free books on amazon. The only but is that they are all classics! Awuf de run belle:))

Anyway Im spending my time to and from work more productively, I started reading Anna Karenina and im 52% of my way through it! Yes the Kindle tells you what proportion of the book you have read! It also has the beauty of starting you right were you left off, no more do I have to have a bookmark or bend the pages of a book to mark my page.

Its light weight!

Its a 3G/wifi kindle so I can download my books even when there is no internet access!

Anyone can buy me books,kindle books are much cheaper than the hardcovers! I have already received an early birthday present-a kindle gift certificate from amazon! So if you are still looking for what to get me, look no further!

I can browse the Kindle store from my kindle.

The only but is that the other day I tried to read on my kindle with the lights out and voila I could not see the script. I thought it had an inbuilt light,but it doesn't so no snuggling with my kindle under my bed covers when the lights are out! Thats a big downside for me!

But all in all,I love my kindle and the person who bought me one!


  1. I want :( gift!

  2. awwwwwww lovely! i love the cover!!! i love the kindle!!!!!!! i got one of these book lights that fit into the spine of any book....i guess there'd be such an accessory for the kindle. this one uses only 1 AA small battery and its cool!

  3. @Blessing-:) Ask and you shall receive!
    @Ty thank you! I'll look into getting a light!

  4. technology lures like a moth to a flame! good for you dear! Enjoy the rest of 2010 and I hope you and kindle will be very happy together!

  5. Chinny- Happy New year! I am very happy with me kindle, thanks for the best wishes:)

  6. yeah, i got a kindle for my birthday! I need to get me some of those free books. I've been reading mostly samples for now & using the kindle for facebook and twitter! It's such a funky tool. I don't have a kindle case yet, I might grab one of those soon.

  7. @Anya Posh thanks for stopping by, I should explore all the uses of my kindle been using it just to download free books:) Dont by a kindle case on amazon, at least explore the prices before you do, bought mine @ an airport and it was still $10 cheaper than the same one on amazon! I was certainly surprised!


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