7 things about me.......

I was tagged by Jaycee on her last blog post and I am required to write 7 random things about me:) Let's see how this goes:

1. My childhood crushes were Micheal Jackson (as a cute member of the Jackson 5) and Arnold -Gary Coleman:) Like I said they were childhood crushes! May their souls rest in peace!

2. Buy me a great book and you will be my friend for life! Chocolates and teddy bears can be given as gifts but they wont be gifts I'll cherish for life maybe just the day they are bought.

3. I do not have a favorite food! I can eat anything as long as its edible and appeals to my taste buds.

4. I'd rather stay indoors than go out.

5. I was once really scared of the dark and thanks to NEPA would refuse to go anywhere in the house unaccompanied or run like I was chased by the hounds of hell when sent on errands through the house and return breathless convinced that if I turned round something would grab me if I wasn't quick enough.

6. All the pictures I take have my two front teeth shining through- No I do not have rabbit teeth, I just love to show how white my teeth are:) My pretty niece is following in my footsteps:)

7. I cannot think of anything else remotely random about me!


  1. I'm with you on #s 3 and 4!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Blessing! It looks like we have a lot in common:)

  3. Brett Baretta12:00 AM

    I very much agree with 2b and 3. Yeah, the elephant and the 6 blind men of Indostan too.

  4. Loved loved reading these, Ola Oluwa Tomi - Always lovely reading about you:)!

    LOL @ #5, and #6 - too cute:)!


  5. Ola Oluwa Tomi! You and Food! Which would you choose? Books for a week vs no food for a week?


  6. Oludimimu5:42 PM

    nice write up Tomi. i enjoyed reading about you and i honestly didnt realize no 6 until i read it.

  7. @Brett thanks for stopping by!
    @Bomi-thanks dear, I pray my kids will never be like me #5wise, living in fear is crippling.
    @Bayuze why ask such a difficult question now?:) I wont choose either Ill take the 2! And you make it sound like Im such a foodie:)
    @Oludimimu- You should go over all my pictures you will be surprised:) Minus my passport photos when Im not expected to smile and even those show a hint of my brilliant white teeth:) Thanks for coming by~

  8. Lol @ Gary Coleman, I had to laugh at that one. Awww@ shining your two front teeth always. And I now know what to get you on a special event, lol. Love your list, as usual.


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