The Jubilee plus one

Last week I celebrated 50 weeks of giving thanks so this is the week after the jubilee and I certainly still have loads to be thankful for


I am thankful for hospitable friends. I spent the weekend with friends and their 3 year old son. I have not seen them in almost two years and I had a great time. I also spent the weekend watching repeat episodes of Sponge bob squarepants, playing indoor football and becoming an honorary 3 year old! I am grateful for the opportunity to be a child again for a few days!

I am thankful for heating! It is so cold these days and just having a warm place to stay in definitely makes me truly grateful for warmth!

I am thankful for help that comes just when I need it. I had been thinking about paying for something and wondering where the money would come from and someone sends me an email to ask me how she could send me money that someone asked her to give me. I am definitely thankful for gifts like this!

I am thankful for my brother. I remember his birth and how before our eyes he has grown to be an adult! I am thankful that I have such a special person as my brother.

I am thankful for life, the opportunity to make plans and watch them unfold!


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Guess that's some dedication.. 50 straight weeks of giving thanks... Interestingly, I have been thinking of friends and friendships over the past few weeks... Always heartening to know there are still incredibly loyal people out there...

  2. happy New year dear, and I pray you keep giving thanks.

  3. @djhax- Thanks! There are o! I pray I am just like them if not better!
    @Myne- Happy New year too and a big Amen to your prayer!

  4. Congrats...may thanksgiving never cease in your life!

    LOL @ you watching sponge bob and being an honorary 3 year old! sounds like fun :-)

  5. nice one!!!
    I'm thankful I found out your blog and started following you....
    Reminds me of the yoruba adage that says "eniti o ba mo inu ro a mo ope da"...he who knows how to think knows how to thank God
    another one says "eniti o ba dupe ore ana, ari omi gba".....if u are thankful for yesterday then you will receive more today.
    well written!!!

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I just love that 'honorary to be 3' statement. Once in a while we need to let our hair down and just be a child again and see the world through fresh eyes and enjoy the mundane and simple things.

    That's some powerful thanksgiving.

  7. Your posts fill my heart with so much thanks for God. Beautiful. And about your consistency in thanking Him, your reward is not too far from you.

  8. @Blessing-Amen and thank you so much for stopping by! I did enjoy myself thoroughly, it was fun dribbling a 3 year old and feeling like a star:)
    @Omoba-adeteju- thank you so much for stopping by! I hope I shall always remain grateful!I certainly want to be thankful for so much more.
    @Maid of heart- I certainly let my hair down and it did me a world of good. The 3 year old in question certainly taught me a lot over the short weekend, thank you very much for your comment.
    @Jaycee- I am glad at the reaction the post gave you, I certainly did not expect it, a big amen to your prayer! Have a lovely week!

  9. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Congratulations on your jubilee! I admire your consistency.. :)

    Certainly thankful for moments to relive childhood; always does a ton of good.
    Thankful with you, have an awesome February.

  10. @raindropsonarose Thank you so much! Have a lovely new month too!


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