Two books to read!

I read two books last week! One of them was a recommendation by a friend who assured me that I would not put it down once I started reading it. She was right, I read 'Left to Tell' by Immaculee Ilibagiza in under 4 hours! The only break I took was to put some food on a plate and continue reading. It is an account of the authors experience during the Rwandan Genocide. I will not spoil it for you by commenting on her account but it is one book that you will not be able to put down.

The other book is "Night' by Elie Wiesel which is also the authors account of his experience as a 15 year old in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. I bought it at the local library.

You can be sure that both books are touching accounts. Simple yet tragic accounts of the depths of human depravity. The silent but total indoctrination of populations by those in charge leading to dire consequences for an unfortunate group of persons is surprising. Why are we willing to believe lies or statements clothed as factual without any further analysis? Someone says 'those people are this or that' and we take those statements as the gospel truth based on who delivers the information not on what the facts actually are.

It shows how powerful words can be in the mouths of the right people. People who are charismatic, having a magnetic effect on those who look up to them are more likely to lead many astray than someone who has no such effect. It is scary to believe that in this day and age, such sweeping generalizations can have such an impact on the lives of many people. I am under no illusions that the nature of man has changed to such an extent that 'genocide' is a thing of the past. It may not take place on such a grand scale but in truth it happens daily.

As long as man is alive and evil exists, the heart of man can be turned to the axis of evil. A lie told against a coworker, the use of power and position to pilfer the national treasury, decisions made in the corridors of power to make policies that will in effect mean the death sentence of millions, the choice to acquire and accumulate wealth rather than be a channel through which it flows...................... many choices lead to mini genocides all over the world, not as obvious as Auschwitz or Rwanda but still happening!

The two stories are must reads in my opinions, the authors either finding God through their trials or rejecting Him. Finding the power to forgive or rejecting the existence of an all powerful being that had the power to save but stood back and left many to die.


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