Missed Monday Post!

This Post should have come on Monday and I totally forgot about it, See how grateful I am! Anyway I thank God:

16.For my best friend- Oluwatoyin.
17.That the robbers who went to my sisters house a few nights ago took away only things that can be replaced and left the more valuable things i.e. lives intact, and them unaware of their visit.
18.That I am never alone.
19.That His word is true and is always to be trusted even when things 'look' just the opposite.
20.For My friend Temitope who will be a year older in a few days!

holy experience


  1. Thank God, Thank God, Thank God!!
    @ #17 - WHAT??? Thank God all is well!

  2. Thank God, Thank God, Thank God!!!
    @ #17 - What?!? Thank God all is well!!!

  3. I'm thankful for God's protection over your sister and her household!


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