A bouquet of blessings

holy experience


I missed my last thanksgiving session because I forgot! Terrible isnt it? After all the badgering and the pestering, the gifts finally arrive and I forget to say thank you. Here is a double bowl of blessings for which I am grateful.

A job to get out of the house and go to. I have grumbled today and all through last week about the commute when a month ago I would have gladly walked hours to work to get out of the house. Thank you for the job lord and please let me not have to wait 2 hours for a bus. Thank you:)

For two great friends who have opened their home, hands, hearts and hearth to me.

For the end of decision making and the beginning of a process.

For good health, intellect and strength.

For my future which God alone knows.

For Charis's smile which lights up the room.

For a warm break in the middle of a cold season.


For Gods gift of his son Jesus, He who gave us his son will he not freely give us all things.

Thank you Lord for everything you have done!


  1. Thank you Lord for everything you have done!!!

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Yes, in all things, give THANKS. Even for 2 hour wait at bus stops. Some have no buses, so trek; some cannot afford to go in buses; some are too ill to sit down in buses, etc


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