Nothing to write!

I heard or read many weeks ago that the best way to improve your skills at writing is to write everyday. I whispered to myself that I would take on the challenge but as can be evidenced by a lack of posts on my blog and empty pages in my journal I have not succeeded in doing that.
Why don't I write?
Many days it looks like I have a lot to write about until I place my fingers on the keyboard hurriedly type out my thoughts and when I sit back to read what I have written it sounds terrible! I have many unfinished posts which are still unfinished.
Some days I have many topics I think i'd like to write about and because I do not have a pen or paper to write down my thoughts they grow wings and disappear and when I finally reach for a pen or try to remember what it is I wanted to write about nothing comes up.
On other days I am just too lazy and do not feel like writing. Other more important things clamor for my attention like trying to arrange my clothes for work:)
Writing is not an easy task especially if you are looking to write the perfect words! So seeing I have nothing much to write about and I just forced myself to write something down Ill sign off now. Who knows this little piece might be the stimulus for a let down reflex that will keep the words pouring from my finger tips!


  1. "I do not have a pen or paper to write down my thoughts they grow wings and disappear and when I finally reach for a pen or try to remember what it is I wanted to write"

    Goodness. I thought it was just me. The bulk of the problem I have right there. The words keep coming but I am usually driving at 100 mph, that's when the ideas come to me. Sucks.

  2. But truly, that advice, if you practice it, will take you places. I try to practice it. I write in a notebook, it doesn't have to be on your blog (and you don't have to post everyday, just write).

    Nevertheless, I've found out that you don't have to write every single day, but on the days that you don't write, just make sure you read something profound to activate your brain cells, and the next day you'll be refreshed to write again.

  3. @BlackManComes- LOL! Ideas do come at strange times!
    @Jaycee thanks for the advice, if I remember correctly I probably read it on one of your tweets that if you want to be a good writer, you should write every day!


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