Death as a leveler!

I read a few things on a forum post and am disconcerted that such views still exist ( I know I am naive). The summary of the discussion on the site was that a certain ethnic group are a special set of persons and any intermingling of races was tantamount to desecrating Gods standards for creation. I was astounded! How can people still believe such rubbish in this day and time, take me back a few years and I would say that maybe then it was acceptable but now when the internet has made the whole world smaller than a village, you must be kidding me! I carefully read all the comments and responses to the allegation and was amazed that no one stood up to say something different. Even those who tried to argue the point conceded to the others saying they probably had more book learning. They probably need to read Death the leveler the poem by James Shirley.

More book learning should actually make you wiser not dumber. That is why I love death. Death takes us all back to the same page. Death does not care if you are black or white, rich or poor, educated or not, it does not care if you just had a meal or you are starving, if you are generous or stingy, if you are happy or sad. Death comes for all men irrespective of title, university degrees, office positions, dreams past or present. Death shows that all men are equal and no one can dispute it.

Written by Incredulous me!


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Funny thing is kooks will find sources to justify whatever it is they believe...

  2. yup... people still people in the most ridiculous things. And yes, indeed Death is the leveler!

  3. @Bagucci their sources were as ridiculous as their claims!
    @ Mwajim Al I wish there was something else in the land of the living that would make scales fall off their eyes faster.


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