New York!

I have visited New York twice in the last two months. I had visited over a year before and it was a very different experience for me. The first time I visited it was in the middle of winter and being a true Nigerian I hid in my hotel room throughout my visit only venturing out for a quick meal and to attend a wedding which was why I had come!

Thankfully the next two visits which are my latest were during summer and I can say I really saw New York mostly during the first. I had the company of two friends who showed me around and I can comfortably say I will not get lost if I ever have to come back and visit!

My first impression of New York was that it reminded me a great deal of Lagos. The sights and the sounds, are almost exactly identical. Just exchange the yoruba and hausa spoken on the streets with some ebonics and an american accent and you might as well be strolling down Broad street in Lagos. The hustle and bustle, impersonal contact and everyone hurrying as if the devil is after them is the same down to the letter' T'. It reminded me of why I ran from Lagos at the very first chance I got.

I arrived by bus at Grand Central Station during my first visit and within 10minutes, I kid you not I had been approached twice by panhandlers with the same sob story. I emptied my pockets for the first guy (thankfully I did not have too much on me) but it was only when I was approached by the second man I realized I had fallen for an age old trick. I stood for a few minutes waiting for a friend who was coming to pick me up and I was chatted up by a young man who described his line of business as being a 'supervisor'. When I asked him what he supervised he was vague with his responses. I may not be street wise but I guessed pretty fast that he was a drug peddler! When he took off (after telling me to wait for him) I took off in the opposite direction as fast as my tiny legs would carry me! I missed my friend in the process and had to describe where I was afresh:) Fear can do wonders!

Anyway besides that I had a wonderful time and I actually grew fond of New York before I had to go back home:). Thanks to all my friends who showed me around and gave me the time of my life! Enjoy the pictures!

Music in the Station! I loved bumping into bands like this!

The Manhattan Bridge. I wanted to walk over the Brooklyn bridge but could not. I hope to do so on a return trip!

An awesome exhibit of the human body! No pictures allowed! It was like seeing dissections again but this time with beauty and art incorporated! Highly recommended!

A contortionist at the South Street SeaPort! Ehlers Danlos on display!

The contortionist in the barrel. I could not watch it all, it freaked me out!:)!

The water taxis conveying passengers from New Jersey to New York and back. Lagos wake up o!

South Street Seaport!

The Manhattan sky line- more like the Trump sky line!

I will add some more pictures of other sights and sounds of New York in a few days hopefully!


  1. Nice pictures. Lol at the contortionist. The guy try o.


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