Nothing much......

I have come to my blog several times to stare and try to put a few words on the page but as always I have left without any words to pour forth. I have started posts, erased them, had many lofty ideas which promptly disappear the minute I put my hands on the keyboard.

I still do not have much to say, after blaming it on writer's block several times but I do not think I can do so anymore! Laziness, apathy, a-motivation, call it whatever you want. I have visited a couple of places in the last couple of weeks so maybe I'll just put up picture posts of the places I have been. Maybe that will give me the push I need to start blogging in earnest!

So wish me luck and maybe i'll put up a proper post soon. Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Good luck! I hope you enjoyed your weekend?

    I can definitely relate to feelings of writer's block or laziness, lack of motivation, etc, etc!

  2. came here expectant....Left ....

  3. Thanks GNG! I'll wake up with time:)
    Lamikayty- written one new one:)


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